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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Throughout Newfoundland and Labrador

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a powerful therapeutic approach that helps individuals develop psychological flexibility and move towards living a meaningful and fulfilling life. ACT, developed in the 1980’s by Psychologist Stephen C Hayes, is based on the idea that suffering is a normal part of the human experience, and that attempting to control or avoid painful thoughts and emotions often leads to further distress.

Instead, ACT focuses on accepting what is out of our control, while committing to actions that align with our values and goals.

How Does Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Work?

In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, our therapists work with individuals towards:

  1. Acceptance: ACT emphasizes the importance of accepting difficult thoughts, emotions, and sensations rather than trying to avoid or suppress them. Our therapists help individuals develop mindfulness skills to observe their internal experiences with curiosity and compassion.
  2. Cognitive Defusion: ACT teaches individuals to “defuse” from their thoughts, recognizing that thoughts are just words or images in the mind, rather than objective truths. By learning to distance themselves from their thoughts, individuals can reduce their impact on emotions and behavior.
  3. Values Clarification: ACT helps individuals identify their core values – the qualities and principles they want to embody in their lives. By clarifying their values, individuals can make choices and take actions that are aligned with what truly matters to them.
  4. Commitment to Action: ACT encourages individuals to take committed action towards their values, even in the presence of difficult thoughts and emotions. Our therapists help individuals set meaningful goals and develop strategies to overcome barriers and obstacles.

Applications for Therapy: What Can ACT Help With?

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can be effective in treating a wide range of mental health issues, including:

  1. Anxiety Disorders: ACT can help individuals develop acceptance and mindfulness skills to manage symptoms of anxiety and worry, allowing them to live more fully in the present moment.
  2. Depression: ACT teaches individuals to accept difficult emotions and thoughts associated with depression, while also taking meaningful action towards building a more fulfilling life.
  3. Chronic Pain: ACT can help individuals with chronic pain develop acceptance and coping skills to manage their pain more effectively and improve their quality of life.
  4. Trauma and PTSD: ACT can assist individuals in processing traumatic experiences and developing resilience in the face of adversity, allowing them to move forward with their lives.

Contact Us for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

If you’re struggling with difficult thoughts, emotions, or behaviors and feel like Acceptance and Commitment Therapy may be beneficial for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Wave Counselling and Wellness. Whether you’re located in St John’s, Mount Pearl, Paradise, CBS, or anywhere else in Newfoundland and Labrador, our ACT therapists are here to support you.

We offer both in-person therapy appointments and virtual online therapy sessions to accommodate your needs and preferences. Take the first step toward greater psychological flexibility and well-being by contacting us to schedule an appointment to discuss Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and whether it may be the right approach for you.

You deserve to live a life that is rich, full, and meaningful – let us help you on your journey toward greater psychological well-being and fulfillment with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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