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Offering Dialectical Behaviour Therapy in St John's and Online Throughout Newfoundland and Labrador

Embracing Change and Healing Through Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

Are you struggling with intense emotions, difficulty regulating your moods, or engaging in self-destructive behaviours? Do you find it challenging to manage relationships, cope with stress, or feel a sense of inner peace? If so, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) may offer you the support and tools you need to find relief and healing.

What is Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)?

DBT is a comprehensive and evidence-based therapy that combines elements of Cognitive Behavioural therapy (CBT) with concepts of mindfulness and acceptance. It was originally developed to help individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) but has since been adapted to treat a variety of mental health issues.

How Does DBT Work?

DBT operates under the premise that individuals who struggle with intense emotions and self-destructive behaviours often lack the skills needed to regulate their emotions effectively. Through a combination of individual therapy, group skills training, phone coaching, and therapist consultation teams, DBT aims to help individuals develop these skills and build a life worth living.

Applications for Therapy: What Can DBT Help With?

DBT can be incredibly beneficial for individuals struggling with a wide range of mental health issues, including:

  1. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD): DBT is highly effective in helping individuals with BPD manage their intense emotions, reduce self-destructive behaviours, and improve interpersonal relationships.
  2. Emotion Regulation Challenges (Non-BPD): DBT can also help individuals without a BPD diagnosis learn to keep emotions under control and develop a calmer way of relating to others and dealing with stressful situations.
  3. Mood Disorders: DBT can help individuals with depression and bipolar disorder learn healthy coping strategies for managing their moods and reducing symptoms.
  4. Anxiety Disorders: DBT teaches individuals mindfulness and distress tolerance skills to manage symptoms of anxiety, such as excessive worry and panic attacks.
  5. PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder): DBT helps individuals process traumatic experiences, reduce symptoms of hypervigilance and reactivity, and improve overall functioning.
  6. Substance Use: DBT addresses underlying emotional issues and teaches individuals coping skills to manage cravings and prevent relapse.
  7. Eating Disorders: DBT assists individuals in challenging distorted thoughts and beliefs related to body image and food, promoting healthier eating behaviours and attitudes and learning to identify, understand and regulate emotions.

Contact Us for DBT Therapy in St John’s and Area

If you’re interested in exploring how DBT can help you find relief and healing, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Wave Counselling and Wellness. Whether you’re located in St John’s, Mount Pearl, Paradise, CBS, or anywhere else in Newfoundland and Labrador, our therapists are here to support you.

Our DBT therapists offer both in-office appointments and virtual online therapy sessions to accommodate your needs and preferences. Take the first step toward healing today by contacting us to schedule an appointment to discuss Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and whether it may be the right approach for you.

You don’t have to face your struggles alone – let us help you find hope and healing through Dialectical Behaviour Therapy in Newfoundland and Labrador.

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