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Single-Session Therapy (SST)

Single-Session Therapy (SST) is a brief and focused therapeutic approach that aims to address specific issues or concerns within a single session. Unlike traditional therapy, which may involve multiple sessions over an extended period, SST is designed to provide rapid support and interventions to individuals seeking immediate assistance or guidance.

How Does Single-Session Therapy Work?

In Single-Session Therapy, our therapists work with individuals to:

  1. Identify Goals: We begin by clarifying the individual’s goals for the session, focusing on specific issues or concerns that they want to address. This could include anything from managing stress or anxiety to resolving conflicts or making important decisions.
  2. Explore Solutions: Our therapists help individuals explore potential solutions or strategies for addressing their concerns. We may use techniques such as brainstorming, problem-solving, or role-playing to generate ideas and develop action plans.
  3. Provide Support: Throughout the session, our therapists offer empathy, validation, and support to individuals as they navigate their challenges. We create a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to express themselves and explore their feelings.
  4. Offer Resources: Depending on the individual’s needs, our therapists may provide information, resources, or referrals to additional support services or resources in the community. We empower individuals to continue their journey towards growth and well-being beyond the session.

Applications for Therapy: What Can Single-Session Therapy Help With?

Single-Session Therapy can be beneficial for addressing a wide range of issues or concerns, including:

  1. Stress Management: SST can help individuals develop coping skills and strategies for managing stress and improving their overall well-being.
  2. Decision-Making: SST can assist individuals in making difficult decisions or choices by providing support, perspective, and guidance.
  3. Relationship Issues: SST can offer support and insights for individuals navigating relationship challenges, such as communication problems or conflicts.
  4. Goal Setting: SST can help individuals clarify their goals and develop action plans for achieving them, whether they are related to career, education, or personal growth.

Contact Us for Single-Session Therapy

If you’re facing a specific issue or concern and feel like Single-Session Therapy may be beneficial for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at Wave Counselling and Wellness. Whether you’re located in St John’s, Mount Pearl, Paradise, CBS, or anywhere else in Newfoundland and Labrador, our therapists are here to support you.

We offer both in-office appointments and virtual online therapy sessions to accommodate your needs and preferences. Take the first step toward addressing your concerns and finding support by contacting us to schedule a Single-Session Therapy appointment.

You don’t have to face your challenges alone – let us help you navigate them and move forward with confidence and resilience.

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